Cocoa, Stat!

Almost there- midway through February.  While the winter weather still hasn’t broken (we are getting warnings about water lines to homes freezing in the area!- due to extended cold), we can have some hot cocoa to warm ourselves up in the meantime.  But perhaps we can do a little better– or a lot better than Brand X Powdery Cocoa mix, and make it ourselves!  It’s easy to put little twists on cocoa to make it unique- mint, marshmallows, caramel, spice… and so on!

A Polar Vortex… of Flavor!

As the latest instance of the polar vortex moves away, I am left to re-ponder my understanding of the concept of ‘cold’, as the temperatures now seem almost spring-like in comparison!  But more seriously, the seeming antithesis of everything warm and green has left me increasingly anxious for spring. (I do enjoy living in the Midwest… I do enjoy living in the Midwest…)

We are just leaving soup month, but winter is still staring intently at us for the near future.  So- perhaps we need a de facto extension to soup season!  As I have written before, I love soup.  What a better way to fight off a vortex than with a bowl of hunger-sating warmth?  Chef Fabio has some options for soup, as well.  I just defrosted some eggplant chili and some mixed vegetable soup from this summer.  What’s your favorite soup to beat the cold?